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Dr. (Nick) Wuestenenk



Wuestenenk, N. H. (2024). Support for sexual liberalization among ethnic majorities and minorities in Europe: The role of social norms in the public expression of opinions (Doctoral dissertation, Utrecht University).

Wuestenenk, N., & Begall, K. (2022). The motherhood wage gap and trade-offs between family and work: A test of compensating wage differentials. Social science research106, 102726.

Wuestenenk, N., van Tubergen, F., & Stark, T. H. (2022). Attitudes towards homosexuality among ethnic majority and minority adolescents in Western Europe: The role of ethnic classroom composition. International Journal of Intercultural Relations88, 133-147.

Wuestenenk, N., van Tubergen, F., & Stark, T. H. (2023). The influence of group membership on online expressions and polarization on a discussion platform: An experimental study. new media & society1, 1-21.

Wuestenenk, N., Nijs, T., Stark, T. H., van Tubergen, F., & Ellemers, N. (2024). The interplay of misperceptions and willingness to share opinions in full classroom networks: The case of opinions towards homosexuality. Social Networks80, 25-35.

Wuestenenk, N., van Tubergen, F., Stark, T. H., & Ellemers, N. (2024). How Do Personal Opinions Relate to Online Expressions? An Experimental Study Among Muslim Minority Groups in The Netherlands. Communication Research.