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Nina Hansen & Eline Heikamp on the effect of informal language learning initiatives on newcomers' integration

In their research, Nina Hansen (SCOOP fellow) and Eline Heikamp (SCOOP PhD student), work with Kletsmaatjes and Het Begint met Taal to study the impact of volunteer initiatives for informal language learning on the integration of newcomers. The projects specifically looks into the relationship between the volunteer and newcomer, and how this relates to the newcomer's integration into Dutch society. Eline's PhD project, '‘The impact of volunteer initiatives for informal language learning on the integration of migrant newcomers’ is supervised byNina Hansen, Liesbet Heyse, and Sabine Otten - all SCOOP fellows.

Curious to know more? Watch the video* here for more insight on Eline and Nina's research.

*The video is available in Dutch.