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Prof. dr. ir. V.W. (Vincent) Buskens

Vincent Buskens is professor of Theoretical Sociology at the Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University. He was KNAW research fellow and received different grants from NWO and was involved in several European projects. His current research focuses on formal and informal institutions to mitigate trust relations as well as the dynamics of social networks. To research these questions he applies a wide variety of theoretical and empirical tools including game theory, social simulation, laboratory experiments, vignette experiments, and survey research. Recently, he also did interdisciplinary work with psychologists and epidemiologists. His publications appeared in high impact journals as American Journal of Sociology, Social Networks, Scientific Reports and Sociological Methodology.


Dr. R. (Rense) Corten

Rense Corten is associate professor at the Department of Sociology, Utrecht University. After obtaining his PhD at Utrecht University he worked as a postdoc at Stanford University (funded by an NWO Rubicon grant) and as an assistant professor at Tilburg University. His research revolves around the themes of cooperation, trust, and (the dynamics of) social networks, with empirical applications including (but not limited to) adolescent networks, social media, the sharing economy, online criminal networks, and laboratory experiments. In 2016 he received an NWO Vidi grant for a research project on the origins and consequences of trust in the sharing economy. He co-directs the Experimental Laboratory for Sociology and Economics at Utrecht University, co-coordinates the UU hub on the Future of Citizen-based Initiatives (FOCI), is a board member of the ISA Research Committee 45 (RC45) on Rational Choice and a fellow of the Centre for Complex Systems Studies at Utrecht University . His research has been published in journals such as the American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, and Social Networks.


Dr. F. (Francesca) Giardini

Francesca Giardini is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Groningen (NL). After obtaining her PhD in Cognitive Science from the University of Siena (IT), she was a postdoc at the at the Central European University in Budapest, and a researcher at theNational Research Council of Italy (ISTC CNR) in RomeShe does inter-disciplinary research on the micro-foundations of sustainable cooperation and she uses theoretical analysis, agent-based simulation and lab experiments. She is especially interested inunderstanding the mechanisms of social sustainability, especially reputation and gossip, and their contribution to value creation in different settings. She is the editor (with R. Wittek) of the Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation (in press) and she has published in different disciplinary and inter-disciplinary journals, including Scientific Reports, European Psychologists, Judgement and Decision Making and Cognitive Processing. She is an elected member of the European Social Simulation Management Committee.


Dr. N. (Nina) Hansen

Nina Hansen is associate professor of social psychology at the University of Groningen. Her research centers on the social psychology of cultural change. She studies this in two lines of research. First. she studies social and cultural change that is caused by development aid in transforming and developing societies. In this context, her research focuses on the (often unintended) consequences of aid projects which introduce modern innovations in the Global South such as new technologies, microfinance services, and novel education initiatives. She is especially interested in how people could be empowered. Second, she is interested how migration may influence cultural change. In this specific context, she studies the impact of cultural differences in the field of labor market integration of migrants. Together with other SCOOP members she has received a grant from the national science agenda (NWA) to develop the first training for Dutch employers to improve current practices in the field of labor market integration of migrants. She regularly works in transdisciplinary teams and is consulted by different governments and organizations around the world as an expert on social impact evaluations of interventions with broad field experience in African, Asian, European, and Latin American nations.


Prof. dr. F.A. (Frank) Hindriks

Frank Hindriks is professor of Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen as well as academic director of the Groningen Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics. His research concerns social groups, institutions and organizations, the patterns of coordination and cooperation they involve, as well as the benefits and burdens that they generate for insiders and outsiders. He investigates the freedoms, rights and responsibilities that individuals have due to the social structures in which they participate – with special attention for the obligations that majorities have with respect to minorities in cases of structural injustice or oppression. He acquired an NWO Veni grant in 2005. And he cooperates with economists and psychologists in NWO MVI projects.


Prof. dr. G.L.M. (Gerbert) Kraaykamp

Gerbert Kraaykamp (1961) is professor of empirical sociology at the department of Sociology at Radboud University Nijmegen. He is director of the Radboud institute of Social Cultural Research, board member of the graduate school ICS, and member of the NRO-PROO program board. Since 2013 he is granted Dutch national coordinator for the European Social Survey for Rounds 7, 8 and 9. His main research interests lie with intergenerational transmission of educational inequality, parental socialization, educational careers, and cultural capital. Kraaykamp has published widely on these subjects in international journals among which American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Sociology of Education. His scholarly work has attracted extensive scientific attention; it is cited more than 5.400 times in Scholar (H-index=39) and over 1.500 times in WoS (H-index=22). Kraaykamp’s key works on cultural capital (1996, 2000, 2010) are among the most cited in this research field. Kraaykamp is (co-)promotor of 18 PhDs (13 completed; 5 in progress). For a complete publication record please visit


Prof. dr. M.H.D. (Marco) van Leeuwen

Marco H.D. van Leeuwen is professor of sociology at Utrecht University, and honorary research fellow at the International Institute of  Social History. He studies social inequality and social solidarity worldwide from 1500 to the present. His research on social inequality deals with residential segregation, intergenerational mobility, career mobility and partner choice, using historical international measures of status and class. His research on social solidarity deals with philanthropy, charity, mutual insurance, and ngo’s. Recent publications include 'Social Mobility in France 1720-1986: Effects of Wars, Revolution and Economic Change', Journal of Social History (2016) (with I. Maas, J-P. Pélissier and D. Rébaudo); and  Mutual Insurance 1550-2015. From Guild Welfare and Friendly Societies to Contemporary Micro-Insurers. Palgrave Macmillan. 2016.


Dr. Z. (Zoltán) Lippényi

Zoltán Lippényi is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Univeristy of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is a member of the Inter-university Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) and the ISA RC28 Social stratification and Mobility. He obtained his Phd (2014) in sociology at Utrecht University focusing on long-term trends in inter-generational social mobility in Hungary. Between 2014 and 2018, he worked as post-doctoral researcher within the ERC-financed Sustainable Workforce project, a multi-country investigation of organizational investments in employees in Europe. He focused on the consequences  of organizational employment practices, and in particular adoption of flexible work and employment arrangements, for workplace inequality and employee outcomes. Since 2015, he represents the Netherlands in the Comparative Organizations and Inequality Network (COIN), a research collaboration studying workplace wage inequality from an international perspective. In this collaboration, focuses the consequences of organizational change for gender inequality in wages, using register-based linked-employer employee datasets. His work is published in the European Sociological ReviewResearch in Social Stratification and MobilityHistory of the Family, and Social Science Research. He is currently co-editing (with Tanja van der Lippe) a multi-country comparative book on organizational policies for workforce sustainability titled Investments in Sustainable Employment in Europe (will be published at Routledge in 2019).


Prof. dr. M. (Marcel) Lubbers

Marcel Lubbers is Professor of Inclusion and Exclusion of Immigrants at Radboud University’s Department of Sociology and researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), in the research group ‘Immigration and Immigrants’. He is known for his work on right-wing radicalism, nationalism and immigrants’ integration. He coordinated and contributed to the creation of panel datasets to study immigrant integration paths, in particular in the first years after immigration. His research has been funded by NWO (VENI (2003); VIDI (2008); NWO Middelgroot (2013); NORFACE (2010 and 2015)). He published interdisciplinary in journals in Sociology (European Sociological Review), Political Science (European Journal of Political Research; European Union Politics) and in the field of Migration Studies (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies).  


Prof. dr. S. (Sabine) Otten

Sabine Otten is Professor of Intergroup Relations and Social Integration within the Social Psychology Department of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at the University of Groningen. She received her PhD in 1991 from the University of Münster (Germany) and did her “habilitation” in Psychology (qualification to be eligible as full professor) in 2001 at the University of Jena (Germany). Since 2002, she is working at the University of Groningen. In her research, she has focused on aggression in intra- and intergroup contexts and the links between the individual self and ingroup favouritism. More recently, she has investigated diversity in organizational settings (including higher education) and the determinants of psychological inclusion in settings involving majority and minority group members. In this context, she is currently co-supervising a PhD-project within SCOOP on the inclusion of sexual minority members at work. 


Prof. dr. M. (Maarten) Prak

Maarten Prak has been professor of Social and Economic History (together with Jan Luiten van Zanden) at Utrecht University since 1992. He is an expert on the social history of early modern Europe and has published a monograph on the Dutch Golden Age (The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century, Cambridge University Press 2005) and edited volumes about guilds, in Europe and worldwide. His book on global citizenship was published in 2018 by Cambridge University Press: Citizens Without Nations: Urban Citizenship in Europe and the World. Maarten Prak chaired the Humanities Board of NWO until 2016, and is currently a member of the governing board of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).


Prof. dr. A. (Arnout) van de Rijt

Arnout van de Rijt is Professor of Sociology and Designated Chair for the UU strategic theme Institutions for Open Societies. He leads the research line Computational Sociology at the Department of Sociology. Van de Rijt received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Cornell University in 2007 and worked until 2016 as Assistant and Associate Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University in the USA, where he co-founded and -led the Center for Computational Social Science. Van de Rijt serves on the editorial boards of Social Networks and Journal of Mathematical Sociology, and is consulting editor for American Journal of Sociology and Sociological Science. He is an elected fellow of the European Academy of Sociology. Van de Rijt received the 2017 Raymond Boudon Award for early career achievement from the European Academy of Sociology "for his influential work in various areas within sociology including social networks, collective action, mathematical sociology, and computational and experimental methods". He was also awarded the 2010 Freeman Award from the International Network of Social Network Analysis for distinguished scholarship in the field of social networks. He has received funding from the National Science Foundation for his field-experimental work on Matthew effects and various awards from the American Sociological Association for contributions to Mathematical Sociology, Cultural Sociology, and Communication, Information Technology and Media Sociology. His papers have been published in such journals as PNASAmerican Sociological Review, and the American Journal of Sociology. Popular accounts of his work have appeared in various media, among which the Economist and Nature News.  


Dr. T. H. (Tobias) Stark

Tobias H. Stark is assistant professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science at Utrecht University and a researcher at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER). His research focuses on the intersection of racial/ethnic prejudice and intergroup relations in social networks. He studies how prejudices develop within social networks, how prejudices spread through existing social networks, and how prejudices might affect changes in the structure of social networks. Dr. Stark is involved in the development of intervention programs for (primary) schools that use insights from his research to reduce prejudice and improve interethnic relations. He also developed new methods to collect social network data. His work is funded by the European Research Council and the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research. Dr. Stark has published in high-impact outlets such as Sociological Methods & Research, Social Networks, Social Psychology Quarterly, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Sociology of Education.


Dr. E. (Ellen) Verbakel 

Ellen Verbakel is associate professor at the Department of Sociology at Radboud University in Nijmegen. She obtained her PhD in Sociology in 2008 from Radboud University and worked as an assistant professor in Tilburg until 2012. She is a board member of the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV) and the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS). Ellen is a family sociologist, particularly interested in partner relations, work, and health. Her recent research focuses on informal care and has been awarded with an Aspasia and ORA grant. She investigates labour market and well-being consequences of providing informal care, and the socio-economic as well as life-stage inequalities therein. She has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Marriage and Family, European Sociological Review, Journal of Gerontology – Social Sciences, European Journal of Population, and Social Science Research. A complete list of publications can be found at ​


Prof. dr. M. (Maykel) Verkuyten

Maykel Verkuyten is Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Utrecht University. He is the academic director of the European Research Center on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER). His research interest is in social identities and intercultural relations and in his ERC Advanced Grant project he examines the nature and boundaries of intergroup tolerance and how being tolerated affects people’s wellbeing and social behaviour. He has published extensively in many major International Journals and he has written various book, including the recent (2018) second edition of ‘The psychology of ethnic identity’.


Prof. dr. M. (Martijn) van Zomeren

Prof. dr. Martijn van Zomeren is an expert in the Cultural and Political Psychology of Social Relationships, and more specifically on the psychology of collective action to achieve social change. He is part of the University of Groningen’s Department of Social Psychology, has received various grants from NWO, as well as various international awards and prizes for his psychological research on what fundamentally and cross-culturally motivates people to engage in collective action to achieve social change. Two characteristic features of his work are its theoretically integrative and interdisciplinary potential, as well as its societal and political relevance.