SCOOP project publications 2021
Bunders, D. J. (2021). Gigs of their own: Reinventing worker cooperativism in the platform economy and its implications for collective action. In Platform economy puzzles (pp. 188-208). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Flache, A., & de Matos Fernandes, C. A. (2021). Agent-based computational models. In Research handbook on analytical sociology (pp. 453-473). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Glebbeek, A., & Wiersma, S. (2021). Tijdconcurrentie of tijdgulzigheid? Overuren van werknemers in post-Fordistische organisaties. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 37(2), 171-195.
Heikamp, E., & Hansen, N. (2021). Integratie in actie: Taal en contact tussen nieuwkomers en vrijwilligers. Een sociaalpsychologische analyse van het project ‘Kletsmaatjes’ voor de stichting Het Begin Met Taal.
Koster, T., Poortman, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Parenting in postdivorce families: The influence of residence, repartnering, and gender. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(2), 498-515.
Koster, T., Poortman, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Fairness perceptions of the division of household labor: Housework and childcare. Journal of Family Issues.
Koster, T., & Castro-Martín, T. (2021). Are separated fathers less or more involved in childrearing than partnered fathers?. European Journal of Population, 37(4), 933-957.
Lippe, T. van der (2021). Waar blijft mijn tijd? Waarom we zoveel willen, moeten en kunnen. Uitgeverij Prometheus.
Otten, K., Buskens, V., Przepiorka, W., & Ellemers, N. (2021). Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: the role of normative disagreements. Journal of Economic Psychology, 87, 102448.
Raiber, K., & Verbakel, E. (2021). Are the Gender Gaps in Informal Caregiving Intensity and Burden Closing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from the Netherlands. Gender, Work and Organisation, 28(5).
Raiber, K., Verbakel, E., & Visser, M. (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Collecting Informal Caregiving Data within the LISS Panel in March 2020. Retrieved from
Rengers, J. M., Heyse, L., Wittek, R. P., & Otten, S. (2021). Interpersonal antecedents to selective disclosure of lesbian and gay identities at work. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 388-398.
Singh, S., Jaspers, E., & Van Der Lippe, T. (2021). Are Organizational Gender Diversity Management Practices Effective?. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 12541). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Spears, R. (2021). Social Influence and Group Identity. Annual Review of Psychology 72(1), 367-390.
Stein, J., Frey, V., & van de Rijt, A. (2021). Crowd-based user judgements against misinformation.
Teekens, T., Giardini, F., Zuidersma, J., & Wittek, R. (2021). Shaping resilience: how work team characteristics affect occupational commitment in health care interns during a pandemic. European Societies, 23(sup1), S513–S529.
Leach, C. W., & Teixeira, C. P. (2021). Some psychological implications of Black struggle. Contention, 9(1), 149-154.
van den Berg, B., de Jong, M., Woldorff, M. G., & Lorist, M. M. (2021). Caffeine boosts preparatory attention for reward-related stimulus information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(1), 104-118.
Pütz, C., van den Berg, B., & Lorist, M. M. (2021). Where is the money? Dynamics in feedback processing and attention during spatial probabilistic learning. bioRxiv, 2021-10.
van Rugge, B. (2021, April). Not Because It's Fun, but Because I Choose to: Validating the Philosophically Informed Conceptualisation of Autonomous Motivation (PhICAM) Scale. In Kurt Lewin Institute Conference.
van Rugge, B. (2021). Philosophically Informed Conceptualisation of Autonomous Motivation (PhICAM): The missing link between norms and behaviour. International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Siracusa, Italy.
Veenstra, E. M., Roetman, E., van der Heijden, M., & Ellemers, N. (2021). Circulair & Inclusief-Resultaten Onderzoek MVO Nederland & Universiteit Utrecht.
Wang, S., & van den Berg, B. (2021). Neuroscience and climate change: How brain recordings can help us understand human responses to climate change. Current opinion in psychology, 42, 126-132.
Zuidersma, J., Wittek, R., & Teekens, T. (2021). Samenwerken: moeilijker dan het lijkt.