Publications on cooperation, resilience and value creation 2019
Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., Steenbergen, E. van, Ryan, M., & Lippe, T. van der. (2019). Work-family guilt as a straightjacket - An interview and diary study on consequences of mothers' work-family guilt. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115.
Balunde, A., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2019). The Relationship Between People’s Environmental Considerations and Pro-environmental Behavior in Lithuania. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 3389.
Berning, C. C., Lubbers, M., & Schlüter, E. (2019). Media attention and radical right-wing populist party sympathy: Longitudinal evidence from the Netherlands. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 31(1), 93-120.
Betkó, J. G., Spierings, N., Gesthuizen, M. J. W., & Scheepers, P. L. H. (2019). The who and the why? Selection bias in an unconditional basic income inspired social assistance experiment. In L. Delsen (Ed.), Empirical research on an unconditional basic income in Europe (pp. 139-170). Springer.
Blom, N., Kraaykamp, G. L. M., & Verbakel, C. M. C. (2019). Current and expected economic hardship and satisfaction with family life in Europe. Journal of Family Issues, 40(1), 3-32.
Boer, M., & Tubergen, F. A. van. (2019). Media messages and attitudes toward muslims and ethnic minorities - A panel study among ethnic majority adolescents in the Netherlands. Social Science Research, 83.
Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2019). Motivating Society-wide Pro-environmental Change. One Earth, 1(1), 27-30.
Breeschoten, L. van, Begall, K. H., Poortman, A., & Dulk, L. den. (2019). Investments in working parents - The use of parental leave. In T. van der Lippe & Z. Lippényi (Eds.), Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe. Routledge.
Broekstra, R., Aris-Meijer, J., Maeckelberghe, E., Stolk, R., & Otten, S. (2019). Trust in Centralized Large-Scale Data Repository: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics.
Broere, J., Buskens, V., Stoof, H., & Sánchez, A. (2019). An experimental study of network effects on coordination in asymmetric games. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Bussemakers, C., Kraaykamp, G. L. M., & Tolsma, J. (2019). Co-occurrence of adverse childhood experiences and its association with family characteristics: A latent class analysis with Dutch population data. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98, 104185.
Corten, R. (2019). Social dilemmas in the sharing economy. In R. Belk, G. Eckhardt & F. Bardhi (Eds.), Handbook of the sharing economy (pp. 278-289). Edward Elgar Publishing.
David, T., & Westerhuis, G. (2019). International business networks. In The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business (pp. 249-263). Routledge.
Dijkstra, J., Bouman, L., Bakker, D. M., & Assen, M. A. L. M. (2019). Modeling the micro-macro link: Understanding macro-level outcomes using randomization tests on micro-level data. Social Science Research, 77, 79-87.
Dykstra, P. A. (2019). Intergenerational family caregiving in welfare policy context.Opent extern In D. Gu & M. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. Springer.
Ellemers, N., Toorn, J. van der, Paunov, Y., & Leeuwen, T. van. (2019). The psychology of morality: A review and analysis of empirical studies published from 1940 through 2017. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 23, 332-366.
Flache, A. (2019). Social integration in a diverse society: Social complexity models of the link between segregation and opinion polarization. In F. Abergel, B.K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, N. Deo & K. Sharma (Eds.), New Perspectives and Challenges in Econophysics and Sociophysics (pp. 213-228). Springer New Economic Windows.
Fotouhi, B., Shor, E., & Rijt, A. van de. (2019). A Large-Scale Test of Gender Bias in the Media. Sociological Science, 6(20), 526-550.
Frey, V., Buskens, V., & Corten, R. (2019). Investments in and returns on network embeddedness - An experiment with trust games. Social Networks, 56, 81-92.
Geiger, J. L., Steg, L., Werff, E. van der, & Ünal, A. B. (2019). A meta-analysis of factors related to recycling. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 64, 78-97.
Geurts, P.G., & Lubbers, M. (2019). The role of country of origin engagement in second-language proficiency of recent migrants. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(16), 120-140.
Giardini, F. (2019). Review of Methodological Investigations in Agent-Based Modelling: With applications for the social sciences. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(1).
Giardini, F., & Conte, R. (2019). Comment le commeráge et la réputation peuvent promouvoir des comportements moraux chez l'etre humain. In M. Heintz & I. Rivoal (Eds.), Morale et cognition (pp. 195-212). Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre.
Giardini, F., Fitneva, S. A., & Tamm, A. (2019). "Someone told me": Preemptive reputation protection in communication. PLoS ONE 14(4), e0200883.
Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (Eds.). (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation. Oxford University Press.
Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (2019). Gossip, Reputation and Sustainable Cooperation: Sociological Foundations. In F. Giardini & R. Wittek (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation. Oxford University Press.
Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (2019). Introduction: Gossip and Reputation—A Multidisciplinary Research Program. In F. Giardini & R. Wittek (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation (pp. 1-22). Oxford University Press.
Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. P. M. (2019). Silence Is Golden. Six Reasons Inhibiting the Spread of Third-Party Gossip. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1120).
Glas, S., Spierings, N., Lubbers, M., & Scheepers, P. L. H. (2019). How polities shape support for gender equality and religiosity's impact in Arab countries. European Sociological Review, 35(3), 299-315.
Griffiths, D., Lambert, P. S., Zijdeman, R. L., Leeuwen, M. H. D. van, & Maas, I. (2019). Microclass immobility during industrialisation in the USA and Norway. Acta Sociologica, 62(2), 193-210.
Haller, T., Breu, T., Moor, T. De, Rohr, C., & Znoj, H. (Eds.). (2019). The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Routledge.
Haller, T., Breu, T., Rohr, C., Moor, T. De, & Znoj, H. (2019). Introduction On Commons in a 'Glocal' World - Linking Local and Global Systems, Power Processes and Local Reactions in the Management of Common Pool Resources. In T. Haller, T. Breu, T. De Moor, C. Rohr & H. Znoj (Eds.), The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses (pp. 1-19). Routledge.
Harten, J. van, Lippényi, Z., & Boselie, P. (2019). HR investments in an employable workforce. In T. van der Lippe & Z. Lippényi (Eds.), Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (pp. 145-160). Routledge.
Heesen, R., & Romeijn, J-W. (2019). Epistemic Diversity and Editor Decisions: A Statistical Matthew Effect. Philosophers' Imprint, 19(39), 1-20.
Heu, L., Zomeren, M. van, & Hansen, N. (2019). Lonely alone or lonely together? A cultural-psychological examination of individualism–collectivism and loneliness in five European countries. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(4), 780-793.
Hindriks, F. (2019). Norms that Make a Difference: Social Practices and Institutions. Analyse & Kritik, 41(1), 125-145.
Hindriks, F. (2019). The Duty to Join Forces: When Individuals Lack Control. Monist, 102(2), 204-220.
Hirsch, M., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2019). To accept or not to accept: Level of moral concern impacts on tolerance of Muslim minority practices. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(1), 196–210.
Hooijsma, M., Huitsing, G., Dijkstra, J. K., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Being friends with or rejected by classmates: Aggression toward same- and cross-ethnic peers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 678–692.
Hooijsma, M., Huitsing, G., Kisfalusi, D., Dijkstra, J. K., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Multidimensional Similarity in Multiplex Networks: Friendships Between Same- and Cross-Gender Bullies and Same- and Cross-Gender Victims. Network Science, 8(1), 79-96.
Huis, M. A., Hansen, N., Otten, S., & Lensink, R. (2019). The impact of husbands' involvement in goal‐setting training on women's empowerment: First evidence from an intervention among female microfinance borrowers in Sri Lanka. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(4), 336-351.
Jansen, W., Meeuwssen, L., Ellemers, N., & Jetten, J. (2019). Negotiating inclusion: Revealing the dynamic interplay between individual and group inclusion goals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(3), 520-533.
Jong, A. de, Fliers, P. T., & Westerhuis, G. (2019). Exceptional big linkers: Dutch evidence from the 20th century. Business History.
Keizer, A.-G., Tiemeijer, W., & Bovens, M. A. P. (2019). Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough - A realistic perspective on self-reliance. Springer.
Keizer, M., Sargisson, R., Zomeren, M. van, & Steg, L. (2019). When personal norms predict the acceptability of push and pull car-reduction policies: Testing the ABC model and low-cost hypothesis. Transportation Research. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64, 413-423.
Kleingeld, P. (2019). A Contradiction of the Right Kind: Convenience Killing and Kant's Formula of Universal Law. The Philosophical Quarterly, 69(274), 64-81.
Kleingeld, P. (2019). On Dealing with Kant's Sexism and Racism. SGIR Review, 2(2), 3-22.
Kleingeld, P., & Willaschek, M. (2019). Autonomy Without Paradox: Kant, Self-Legislation and the Moral Law. Philosophers' Imprint,19.
Kraaykamp, G. L. M., Cemalcilar, Z., & Tosun, J. (2019). Transmission of work attitudes and values: Comparisons, consequences, and implications. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 682(1), 8-24.
Kutlaca, M., Zomeren, M. van, & Epstude, K. (2019). Our Right to a Steady Ground: Perceived Rights Violations Motivate Collective Action Against Human-Caused Earthquakes. Environment and Behavior, 51(3), 315-344.
Lee, G. C., Platow, M. J., Augoustinos, M., Rooy, D. van, Spears, R., & Bar-Tal, D. 2019. When are anti-fat attitudes understood as prejudice versus truth? An experimental study of social influence effects. Obesity Science & Practice, 5(1), 28-35.
Leeuwen, M. H. D. van, Maas, I., Hin, S., & Matthijs, K. (2019). Socio-economic modernization and enduring language barriers: choosing a marriage partner in Flemish communities, 1821-1913. History of the Family, 24(1), 94-122.
Leszczensky, L., Flache, A., & Sauter, L. (2019). Does the share of religious ingroup members affect how important religion is to adolescents? Applying Optimal Distinctiveness Theory to four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(1).
Ligterink, J., Kleijwegt. J., & Rijt, A. van de. (2019). De mobiliseerbaarheid van huurflatbewoners voor de energietransitie. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(1), 91-115.
Lindenberg, S., Steg, L., Milovanovic, M., & Schipper, A. (2019). Reply to Wojtek Przepiorka: Testing goal-framing and hedonic hypocrisy. Rationality and Society, 31(3), 361-368.
Lippe, T. van der, Breeschoten, L. van, & Hek, M. van. 2019. Organizational work–life policies and the gender wage gap in European workplaces. Work and Occupations, 46(2), 111-148.
Lippe, T. van der, & Fodor, E. (2019). A Sustainable Workforce in Europe: Future Challenges. In T. van der Lippe and Z. Lippényi (Eds.), Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (pp. 224-232). Routledge.
Lippe, T. van der, & Lippényi, Z. (Eds.). (2019). Investments in a sustainable workforce in Europe. Routledge.
Lippényi, Z., Gasparotto, A., & Nätti, J. (2019). Temporary contracts, job uncertainty, and work–life balance. In T. van der Lippe & Z. Lippényi (Eds.), Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (pp. 161-174). Routledge.
Lippényi, Z., Leeuwen, M. H. D. van, Maas, I., & Ori, P. (2019). Social status homogamy in a religiously diverse society - Modernization, religious diversity, and status homogamy in Hungary between 1870-1950. History of the Family, 24(1), 15-37.
Liu, L., Bouman, T., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2019). Effects of trust and public participation on acceptability of renewable energy projects in the Netherlands and China. Energy Research and Social Science, 53:,137-144.
Lubbers, M. (2019). What kind of nationalism sets the radical right and its electorate apart from the rest? Pride in the nation's history as part of nationalist nostalgia. Nations and Nationalism, 25(2), 449-466.
Lubbers, M., & Gijsberts, M. I. L. (2019). Changes in self-rated health right after immigration: A panel study of economic, social, cultural, and emotional explanations of self-rated health among immigrants in the Netherlands. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, 45.
Lubbers, M., & Scheepers, P. L. H. (2019). Het zijn aardige mensen, maar liever niet als buren...: Veranderingen in sociale distantie tegenover migranten, moslims en 'zigeuners' in Nederland in de periode 1990-2017. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(4), 459-481.
Maas, I., & Leeuwen, M. H. D. van. (2019). Partner choice in the Netherlands, 1813–1922 - The changing importance of ascribed and achieved status. History of the Family, 24(1), 123-148.
Maloku, E., Derks, B., Van Laar, C., & Ellemers, N. (2019). Stimulating interethnic contact in Kosovo: The role of social identity complexity and distinctiveness threat. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22(7), 1039-1058.
Meerholz, W., Spears, R., & Epstude, K. (2019). Having pity on our victims to save ourselves: Compassion reduces self-critical emotions and self-blame about past harmful behavior among those who highly identify with their past self. PLoS ONE,14(12), e0223945.
Mooijman, M., Dijk, W. van, Dijk, E. van, & Ellemers, N. (2019). Leader power, power stability, and interpersonal trust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 152, 1-10.
Moor, T. De. (2019). From historical institution to pars pro toto - The commons and their revival in historical perspective. In B. Hudson, J. Rosenbloom & D. Cole (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons (pp. 319-333). Routledge.
Moor, T. De, Rijpma, A., & Prats López, M. 2019. Dynamics of engagement in Citizen Science: Results from the “Yes, I do!” project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1), 38.
Mundaca, L., Sonnenschein, J., Steg, L., Höhne, N., & Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2019). The global expansion of climate mitigation policy interventions, the Talanoa Dialogue and the role of behavioural insights. Environmental Research Communications, 1(6), 1001.
Noord, J. van, Spruyt, B., Kuppens, T., & Spears, R. (2019). Education-Based Status in Comparative Perspective: The Legitimization of Education as a Basis for Social Stratification. Social Forces, 98(2), 649-676.
Noppers, E., Keizer, K., Milovanovic, M., & Steg, L. (2019). The role of adoption norms and perceived product attributes in the adoption of Dutch electric vehicles and smart energy systems. Energy Research and Social Science, 57, 101237.
Owuamalam, C. K., Rubin, M., & Spears, R. (2019). Is a system motive really necessary to explain the system justification effect? A response to Jost (2019) and Jost, Badaan, Goudarzi, Hoffarth, and Mogami (2019). British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(2), 393-409.
Owuamalam, C. K., Rubin, M., & Spears, R. (2019). Revisiting 25 years of system motivation explanation for system justification from the perspective of social identity model of system attitudes. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(2), 362-381.
Padmos, L., & Dijkstra, J. (2019). Genoegen nemen met minder: Een bewuste politieke keuze of een gebrek aan informatie? Mens en Maatschappij, 94(3), 275-302.
Passaretta, G., Barbieri, P., Wolbers, M. H. J., & Visser, M. (2019). In de etalage: De directe invloed van sociale herkomst op statusverwerving in de eerste tien jaar na arbeidsmarktintrede in Nederland en Italië. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(2), 251-253.
Platow, M. J., Rooy, D. van, Augoustinos, M., Spears, R., Bar-Tal, D., & Grace, D. M. (2019). Prejudice is about Collective Values, not a Biased Psychological System. New Zealand Journal of Psycholog, 48(1), 16-22.
Poortinga, W., Whitmarsh, L., Steg, L., Böhm, G., & Fisher, S. (2019). Climate change perceptions and their individual-level determinants: A cross-European analysis. Global Environmental Change, 55, 25-35.
Poortman, A. (2019). Hoe effectief zijn ouderschapsplannen en bemiddeling bij scheiding? In de rubriek “Opmerkelijk”. Kind en Adolescent, 40, 97-100.
Poortman, A. (2019). Hoe effectief zijn ouderschapsplannen en bemiddeling bij scheiding? Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht, 41(2), 40-41.
Poortman, A. (2019). In de Etalage. Contact tussen ouders en kinderen na scheiding en het welzijn van kinderen: maakt het uit hoeveel ouders voor de scheiding bijdroegen aan zorg en opvoeding. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(3), 417-420.
Prak, M. R., & Wallis, P. (Eds.). (2019). Apprenticeship in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge University Press.
Raub, W., Buskens, V., & Frey, V. (2019). Strategic tie formation for long-term exchange relations. Rationality and Society, 31(4), 490-510.
Renema, J. A. J., & Lubbers, M. (2019). Immigrants' support for social spending, self-interest and the role of the group: A comparative study of immigrants in The Netherlands. International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(2), 179-185.
Renema, J. A. J., & Lubbers, M. (2019). Welfare-based income among immigrants in the Netherlands: Differences in social and human capital. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 17(2), 128-151.
Rijt, A. van de. (2019). In de etalage: Komt kwaliteit uiteindelijk bovendrijven? Over zelfcorrectie in sociale beïnvloedingsprocessen. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(3), 345-372.
Rijt, A. van de. (2019). Book Review “How behavior spreads: the science of complex contagionsʺ by Damon Centola, Princeton University Press, 2018. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 43(4), 231-232.
Rijt, A. van de. (2019). Self-Correcting Dynamics in Social Influence Processes. American Journal of Sociology, 124(5), 1468-1495.
Rijt, A. van de, & Buskens, V. (2019). Wiskunde in de sociologie. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/20(3), 169-177.
Şahin, O., Toorn, J. van der, Jansen, W. J., Boezeman, E. J., & Ellemers, N. (2019). Looking beyond our similarities: How perceived (in)visible dissimilarity relates to feelings of inclusion at work. Frontiers in Psychology, Section Organizational Psychology.
Schillemans, T., & Bovens, M. A. P. (2019). Governance, accountability and the role of public sector boards. Policy & Politics, 47(1), 187-206.
Şimşek, M., Fleischmann, F., & Tubergen, F. van. (2019). In de etalage: Uiteenlopende paden: trends in religiositeit van moslimjongeren vergeleken met christelijke jongeren in 4 Europese landen. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(3), 345-372.
Şimşek, M., Fleischmann, F., & Tubergen, F. van. (2019). Similar or divergent paths? Religious development of Christian and Muslim adolescents in Western Europe. Social Science Research, 79, 160-180.
Sloot, D., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2019). In it for the money, the environment, or the community? Motives for being involved in community energy initiatives. Global Environmental Change, 57, 101936.
Stanojevic, A., Akkerman, A., & Manevska, K. (2019). Good Workers and Crooked Bosses: The Effect of Voice Suppression by Supervisors on Employees’ Populist Attitudes and Voting. Political Psychology, 41(2), 363-381.
Stark, T. H. (2019). Indirect contact in social networks: Challenging common interpretations of the extended contact hypothesis. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Steenbergen, E. van, Dijk, D. van, Christensen, C., Coffeng, T., & Ellemers, N. (2019). LEARN to build an error management culture. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 28(1), 57-73.
Sweetman, J., Maio, G. R., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R., & Livingstone, A. G. (2019). Attitude toward protest uniquely predicts (normative and nonnormative) political action by (advantaged and disadvantaged) group members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 82, 115-128.
Swinkels, J., Tilburg, T. van, Verbakel, E., & Broese van Groenou, M. (2019). Explaining the gender gap in the caregiving burden of partner caregivers. Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences, 74(2), 309-317.
Teixeira, C. P., Spears, R., & Yzerbyt, V. Y. (2019). Is Martin Luther King or Malcolm X the more acceptable face of protest? High-status groups’ reactions to low-status groups’ collective action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(5), 919–944.
Thijs, P. E., Grotenhuis, H. F. te, Scheepers, P. L. H., & Brink, M. C. L van den. (2019). The rise in support for gender egalitarianism in the Netherlands,1979-2006: The roles of educational expansion, secularization, and female labor force participation. Sex Roles, 81(9-10), 594-609.
Thomas, E. F., Smith, L. G. E., McGarty, C., Reese, G., Kende, A., Bliuc, A-M., & Spears, R. (2019). When and how social movements mobilize action within and across nations to promote solidarity with refugees. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(2), 213-229.
Ünal, A. B., Steg, L., & Granskaya, J. (2019). “To support or not to support, that is the question”. Testing the VBN theory in predicting support for car use reduction policies in Russia. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 119, 73-81.
Valkengoed, A. M. van, & Steg, L. (2019). Climate change adaptation by individuals and households: A psychological perspective. University of Groningen.
Valkengoed, A. M. van, & Steg, L. (2019). Meta-analyses of factors motivating climate change adaptation behaviour. Nature Climate Change, 9(2), 158-163.
Valkengoed, A. van, & Steg, L. (2019). The Psychology of Climate Change Adaptation. In S. Clayton (Ed.), Elements in Applied Social Psychology (Cambridge Elements Series). Cambridge University Press.
Valkengoed, A. van, Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G. (2019). Developing and validating a climate change perceptions scale. Abstract from International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Veelen, R. van, Derks, B., & Endedijk, M. D. (2019). Double Trouble: How being Outnumbered and Negatively Stereotyped Threatens Career Outcomes of Women in STEM. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Verkuyten, M., Wiley, S., Deaux, K., & Fleischmann, F. (2019). To be both (and more): Immigration and identity multiplicity. Journal of Social Issues, 75(2), 390-413.
Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2019). Intergroup toleration and its implications for culturally diverse societies. Social Issues and Policy Review, 13(1), 5-35.
Vermeer, P. A. D. M., & Scheepers, P.L.H. (2019). Bonding or bridging? Volunteering among the members of six thriving evangelical congregations in the Netherlands. Voluntas. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 30(5), 962-975.
Visser, M. (2019). Ervaringen met en opvattingen over langer doorwerken. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 35(4), 382-394.
Visser, M. (2019). Stratification: Partner effects. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Publishing.
Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M. J. W., & Kraaykamp, G. L. M. (2019). Work values and political participation: A cross-national analysis. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 682(1), 186-203.
Vrieling, L., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2019). Acceptability of wind energy: the role of trust and emotions. Abstract from International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Vriens, E., Buskens, V. W., & Moor, T. De. (2019). Networks and new mutualism: how embeddedness influences commitment and trust in small mutuals. Socio-Economic Review, mwz050.
Weeren, R. van, & Moor, T. De. (2019). Ja, ik wil! Verliefd, verloofd, getrouwd in Amsterdam 1580-1810. Prometheus.
Wiley, S., Fleischmann, F., Deaux, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Why immigrants’ multiple identities matter: Implications for research, policy, and practice. Journal of Social Issues, 75(2), 611-629.
Zingora, T., Stark, T. H., & Flache, A. (2019). Who is most influential? Adolescents' intergroup attitudes and peer influence within a social network. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Zomeren, M. van. (2019). Intergroup contact and collective action: A match made in hell, or in heaven? Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 3(1), 75-82.
Zomeren, M. van, Pauls, I. L., & Cohen-Chen, S. (2019). Is hope good for motivating collective action in the context of climate change? Differentiating hope's emotion- and problem-focused coping functions. Global Environmental Change, 58, 101915.
Zouridis, S., Eck, M. van, & Bovens, M. A. P. (2019). Automated discretion. In T. Evans & P. Hupe (Eds.), Discretion and the quest for controlled freedom (pp. 313-329). Springer.
Zwan, R. van der, Lubbers, M., & Eisinga, R. N. (2019). The political representation of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands: Ethnic minority candidates and the role of party characteristics. Acta Politica, 54(2), 245-267.