Publications on cooperation, resilience and value creation 2017
Bates, T., & Kleingeld, P. 2017. Virtue, Vice, and Situationism. In N. Snow (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bavel, B. J. P. van, Ansink, J. H., & Besouw, B. van. 2017. Understanding the economics of limited access orders - Incentives, organizations and the chronology of developments. Journal of Institutional Economics 13(1): 109-131.
Been, W., Lippe T. van der, Dulk, L. den, Das Dores, M., Mrcela, A. K., & Niemistö, C. 2017. European top managers’ support for work-life arrangements. Social Science Research 65: 60-74.
Boele, A. H., & Moor, T. De. 2017. 'Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care'. A new perspective on the specialization in the elderly care sector in early modern Holland. The Economic History Review 71(2): 437-463.
Bovens, M., & Wille, A. 2017. Diploma Democracy: The Rise of Political Meritocracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Broek, K. van den, Bolderdijk, J. W., & Steg, L. 2017. Individual differences in values determine the relative persuasiveness of biospheric, economic and combined appeals. Journal of Environmental Psychology 53: 145-156.
Derks, B., & Scheepers, D. T. 2017. Neural and Cardiovascular Pathways from Stigma to Suboptimal Health. Oxford Handbook of Stigma, Discrimination and Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dijkstra, J., & Assen, M. A. van. 2017. Explaining cooperation in the finitely repeated simultaneous and sequential prisoner’s dilemma game under incomplete and complete information. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 41(1): 1-25.
Djundeva, M., Emery, T. E., & Dykstra, P. A. 2017. Parenthood and depression: is childlessness similar to sonlessness among Chinese seniors? Ageing & Society 38(10): 2097-2121.
Ellemers, N. (Ed.). 2017. World of difference: A moral perspective on social inequality. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Ellemers, N. 2017. Social inequality: Myths and facts. In N. Ellemers, B. Derks, F. van Nunspeet, D. Scheepers & J. van der Toorn. World of difference: A moral perspective on social inequality (17-38). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Ellemers, N. 2017. Morality and the Regulation of Social Behavior. Groups as Moral Anchors. London: Routledge.
Faniko K., Ellemers N., Derks B., & Lorenzi-Cioldi, F. 2017. Nothing Changes, Really: Why Women Who Break Through the Glass Ceiling End Up Reinforcing It. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(5): 638-651.
Feliciani, T., Flache, A., & Tolsma, J. 2017. How, when and where can Spatial Segregation Induce Opinion Polarization? Two Competing Models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 20(2): 6.
Flache, A., Bakker, D., Maes, M., & Dijkstra, J. 2017. The double edge of counter–sanctions: Is peer sanctioning robust to counter–punishment but vulnerable to counter–reward? In B. Jann & W. Przepiorka (Eds.), Social dilemmas, institutions, and the evolution of cooperation (279-302). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Giardini, F., Conte, R., & Paolucci, M. 2017. Reputation for complex societies. In B. Edmonds & R. Meyer (Eds.), Simulating Social Complexity. Understanding Complex Systems. (443-470). Cham: Springer.
Grow, A., Flache, A., & Wittek, R. 2017. Global Diversity and Local Consensus in Status Beliefs: The Role of Network Clustering and Resistance to Belief Change. Sociological Science 4(25): 611-640.
Hoon, S. de, Keizer, R., & Dykstra, P. A. 2017. The influence of motherhood on income: do partner characteristics and parity matter? Community, Work & Family, 20(2): 211-245.
Huis, M. A., Hansen, N., Otten, S., & Lensink, R. 2017. A three-dimensional model of women’s empowerment: Implications in the field of microfinance and future directions. Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1678.
Jager, W., Verbrugge, R., Flache, A., Roo, G. de, Hoogduin, L., & Hemelrijk, C. (Eds.). 2017. Advances in Social Simulation 2015. Springer International Publishing.
Kleingeld, P. 2017. Contradiction and Kant's Formula of Universal Law. Kant-Studien 108(1): 89-115.
Leszczensky, L., Flache, A., Stark, T. H., & Munniksma, A. 2017. The relation between ethnic classroom composition and adolescents’ ethnic pride. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 21(7): 997-1013.
Lippe, T. van der, Treas, J., & Norbutas, L. 2017. Unemployment and the division of housework in Europe. Work, Employment and Society 32(4): 650-669.
Mooijman, M., Dijk, W. van, Dijk, E. van, & Ellemers, N. 2017. On sanction-goal justifications: How and why deterrence justifications undermine rule compliance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112(4): 577–588.
Muttaqin, T., Wittek, R., Duijn, M. van, & Heyse, L. 2017. Why do children stay out of school in Indonesia? The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning 1(2): 94-108.
Oldenkamp, M., Bültmann, U., Wittek, R., Stolk, R., Hagedoorn, M., & Smidt, N. 2017. Combining informal care and paid work: The use of work arrangements by working adult-child caregivers in the Netherlands. Health and Social Care in the Community 26(1): e122-e131.
Oldenkamp, M., Hagendoorn, M., Wittek, R., Stolk, R., & Smidt, N. 2017. The impact of older person's frailty on the care-related quality of life of their informal caregiver over time: results from the TOPICS-MDS project. Quality of Life Research 26: 2705-2716..
Ory, B. E., Keizer, R., & Dykstra, P. A. 2017. Does Educational Similarity Drive Parental Support? Journal of Marriage and Family 79(8): 947-964.
Peters, A. M., Kam, M. J. van der, Werff, E. van der, & Steg, E. 2017. Duurzame consument stabiliseert onzeker energiesysteem. Milieu: opinieblad van de Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals (VVM) 23(5): 14-17.
Regt, S. J. S. de, & Lippe, A. G. van der 2017. Does participation in national commemorations increase national attachment? A study of Dutch Liberation Festivals. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 17(2): 281-299.
Ruepert, A. M., Keizer, K., & Steg, L. 2017. The relationship between Corporate Environmental Responsibility, employees’ biospheric values and pro-environmental behaviour at work. Journal of Environmental Psychology 54: 65-78.
Savelkoul, M. J., & Scheepers, P. L. H. 2017. Why lower educated people are more likely to cast their vote for radical right parties: Testing alternative explanations in The Netherlands. Acta Politica 52: 544-573.
Scholl, A., Sassenberg, K., Scheepers, D., Ellemers, N., & Wit, F. de 2017. A matter of focus: Power-holders feel more responsible after adopting a cognitive other-focus, rather than a self-focus. British Journal of Social Psychology 56(1): 89-102.
Sloot, D., Jans, L., & Steg, L. 2017. The potential of environmental community initiatives - a social psychological perspective. In A. K. Römpke, G. Reese, I. Fritsche, N. Wiersbinski & A. W. Mues (Eds.), Outlooks on Applying Environmental Psychology Research (27-34). (BfN-Skripten Vol. 460). Bonn: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
Sterkens, C. J. A., Camacho, A. Z., & Scheepers, P. L. H. 2017. Ethno-religious identification and latent conflict: Support of violence among Muslim and Christian Filipino children and youth. In T. Skelton, C Harker & K. Hörschelmann (Eds), Conflict, Violence and Peace. Geographies of Children and Young People Vol 11. Singapore: Springer.
Thijs, P. E., Grotenhuis, H. F. te, & Scheepers, P. L. H. 2017. The relationship between societal change and rising support for gender egalitarianism among men and women: Results from counterfactual analyses in the Netherlands, 1979-2012. Social Science Research 68: 176-194.
Venhoeven, L., Steg, E., & Bolderdijk, J. W. 2017. Can engagement in environmentally friendly behavior increase well-being? In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, & O. Navarro (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology and quality of life research (229-237). Springer International Publishing.
Zanden J. L. van, Rijpma, A., Kok, J., Carmichael, S. G., Dilli, S. D., & Vleuten L. van der 2017. Agency, Gender and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850-2000 - Testing the Sen Hypothesis. Routledge.