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Dr. (Thomas) Teekens



Braden, L. E. A., & Teekens, T. (2019, July). Reputation, status networks, and the art market. In Arts (Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 81). MDPI.

Braden, L. E. A., & Teekens, T. (2020). Historic networks and commemoration: Connections created through museum exhibitions. Poetics81, 101446.

Teekens, T. (2016). Who You Know or How You’re Known. The Dual Effect of Professional Collaboration and Status Connections on Artistic Careers in Dutch Films (Doctoral dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Teekens, T. (2024). Sustainable Collaboration in Care: Joint Production Motivation and Interprofessional Learning in an Interorganizational Network. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen.

Teekens, T., Giardini, F., Kirgil, Z. M., & Wittek, R. (2023). Shared understanding and task-interdependence in nursing interns’ collaborative relations: A social network study of vocational health care internships in the Netherlands. Journal of interprofessional care37(6), 999-1009.

Teekens, T., Giardini, F., Zuidersma, J., & Wittek, R. (2021). Shaping resilience: how work team characteristics affect occupational commitment in health care interns during a pandemic. European Societies23(sup1), S513–S529.

Zuidersma, J., Wittek, R., & Teekens, T. (2021). Samenwerken: moeilijker dan het lijkt.