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Prof. dr. A. (Agnes) Akkerman


Since September 2021 Agnes Akkerman works as professor at the AIAS/HSI at the UvA, as professor of Regulation of Labour and head of the department. The research institute is multidisciplinary and affiliated with the Department of Labor Law (FdR).Until september, Agnes Akkerman works as Professor of Labor Market Institutions and Labor Relations in the Department of Economics at the Radboud University Nijmegen. She is one of The Netherlands’ leading sociologists in the eld of policy networks, corporatism, and industrial relations, and was a visiting fellow at Cornell University in 2011. In her NWO VICI project (2016), she investigates how and why employers suppress the expression of dissatisfaction by employees, and what kind of spillover effects this has for their cooperative behavior within and outside of the organization. Her multiple award-winning research has appeared in top journals in the eld of Sociology, Political Science and Public Administration.

From 2015 to 2020 Agnes Akkerman was the James Coleman Professor of Sustainable Cooperation in Collective Labor Relations in the Department of Sociology at the University of Groningen. 




VICI, NWO conflict grants