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Publications from Tara Koster

During her phd project Tara Koster published serval papers in collaboration with other reseachers. 


Koster, T., Poortman, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Parenting in postdivorce families: The influence of residence, repartnering, and gender. Journal of Marriage and Family83(2), 498-515. Doi:

Koster, T., Poortman, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021). Fairness perceptions of the division of household labor: Housework and childcare. Journal of Family Issues. Doi:

Koster, T., & Castro-Martín, T. (2021). Are separated fathers less or more involved in childrearing than partnered fathers?. European Journal of Population. Link: