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Panel Data

A new data collection occupies a central place in SCOOP’s data efforts. In its unique design, individuals will be nested within families, communities, and organizations. The representative sample of Dutch people, with the help of Statistics Netherlands, will be approached and followed through panel studies as well as selected experiments. In total the net family sample will consist of net 5000 families nested in 50 neighborhoods in 200 municipalities. The organizational sample consists of net 100 organizations, 2000 employees, and 200 managers. Where possible, we will make use of the LISS panel. Multilevel modeling will provide a detailed picture of the nested structure of individuals within specific families, organizations, and communities. The data consists of the following elements:

  • Panel participants will be repeatedly approached for a period of 6 years, using both panel survey designs and deliberative polling events.
  • The focus will be on the varying effects of different context characteristics on cooperation. Therefore, within the municipalities and organizations, contextual data will be collected on features of these communities, including the presence of nursery homes and child care centers.
  • Survey research includes a mixed-mode survey, applying interviews and web based surveys. Families and individuals who are hard to reach will be provided with the requisite equipment and Internet access.
  • New measurements to indicate sustainable cooperation will be developed, with explicit attention to time frames and the sustainability of cooperative arrangements. SCOOP researchers will develop and test new scales, supported by psychometrists and test designers from the consortium.
  • Panel studies will be combined wit the collection of longitudinal social network data in targeted subgroups of the family and the organization panel. In addition to these new panel data, we are able to rely on in-house existing panels, such as New Families in the Netherlands (including divorced parents), Youth in Europe (including an overrepresentation of migrants), Trails (including adolescents) and Sustainable Workforce (organizations in Europe), where in new waves measurements about sustainability can be added.